Overcoming challenges and shaping the future with the Mobility Cloud

Efficient fleet management for company and pool cars - from compliance with due diligence obligations, AI document and claims management to cost control. Our modular platform offers solutions for data transparency, process optimization and sustainability.


Our modern fleet software enables the clear management and optimization of vehicle fleets through real-time tracking, automated reports and data-based decision-making. It integrates all work processes on one platform, improves transparency and reduces operating costs.


You achieve a significant increase in efficiency and productivity as well as a reduction in expenditure and manual workload. As a company, you can make optimum use of your fleets, react more quickly to changes and increase customer satisfaction.


Modern fleet management with the AZOWO Mobility Cloud

Software mix
Non-integrated software solutions cause data inconsistencies and administrative effort
Excel tables
Manual data entry and maintenance in Excel spreadsheets is time-consuming and error-prone
Insufficient fleet overview makes fleet management and optimization difficult
Automated reports
No well-founded decisions without transparent reports
User friendliness
Complicated systems inhibit productivity and user acceptance
Scarcity of resources
Inefficient processes and missing algorithms cause high costs and time losses
Accurate and timely financial reports are often not met and budget targets are missed
Time pressure
Manual, paper-based processes increase errors and lengthen processing times

Process automation

Speed: Simplified, automated processes replace manual procedures.

AZOWO is our software supplier for the digitalization and centralization of the global Liebherr fleet. This has enabled us to achieve a reasonable level of data for the vehicle fleets in our national companies and we can now work with up-to-date data throughout the life of a vehicle.

Thomas Höld

Liebherr Group Head of Fleet Management Division

Global fleet management at Liebherr

All solutions

  • Fleet app

    Artificial intelligence for documents, ID validation, claims management, logbook, cost analysis and more: our platform efficiently optimizes all fleet aspects.

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  • Car sharing

    Offer car sharing and micromobility services in just 72 hours with our cloud software for companies, cities and municipalities. With user-friendly apps and state-of-the-art functions, including station-based and multimodal sharing for expansion and new business models.

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  • Corporate mobility

    Optimization of processes and new internal mobility offers for employees, the environment and competitiveness. Provide strong impetus for the transport transition and sensitize employees to sustainability.

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  • Reseller

    Become part of our reseller program for the leading mobility platform and benefit from attractive advantages and commissions. Receive comprehensive support from our dedicated support team to successfully sell the AZOWO Mobility Cloud.

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  • Car subscription

    It is currently the best alternative to buying a car and offers a great deal of cost transparency for the end consumer as part of the mobility transition. With our AZOWO Mobility Cloud, you retain control and flexibility. We offer clear processes for a smooth car subscription.

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  • Rental park

    Offer and manage special and commercial vehicles, construction machinery and construction equipment. Our service software offers individually mappable processes for an efficient rental fleet and the challenges of modern day-to-day logistics.

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  • Conversion to the e-fleet

    Strategic conversion to an e-fleet in the vehicle fleet for more climate neutrality. Our analysis helps you to find the right form of mobility for your company. With our booking algorithm, we support the rental process for an efficient transition.

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  • Fleet management

    Efficient fleet management - from compliance with due diligence obligations, AI document and claims management to cost control/controlling. Our modular platform offers solutions for data transparency, process optimization and sustainability.

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