Charge book


The free or discounted charging of electric or hybrid electric vehicles at the employer's premises is tax-free. The reimbursement of privately borne electricity costs is more difficult. If the employee charges an (electric) company vehicle provided for private use at home at their own expense, records must therefore be kept. This regularly requires itemized proof of the costs. This is possible with the AZOWO charging log.


Consideration of private and business loads

With the AZOWO charging logbook, employees who charge their company e-vehicle at home can keep the corresponding records.


The charge book for tax office-compliant overviews

Unique on the market
Cleanly separated
Individual consideration of private and business charging for e-vehicles
All required content
Each charge is recorded separately
Tax office-compliant proof of all charging processes 24/7
Independent of the charging station - exclusively for the user (cash-back)
Works via a direct interface or a telematics dongle (e.g. from GeoTab)


Our applications reduce time-consuming administrative tasks such as card and document management. With the charging book for electric vehicles, you can easily keep track of all charging processes. Discover how we can make your processes more efficient.