

You can use the reporting module to comprehensively evaluate the data recorded in the software. All data points can be accessed for evaluation. Benefit from extensive filtering, sorting, saving and export options (CSV, XLS). Create, forward, process and save information in the form of reports to make informed decisions and optimize your fleet management. You can create your own user-defined reports with an additional module.


Customized analyses

With the "Advanced Reporting" add-on module, you can create your own user-defined reports or customize predefined report templates. Add additional fields, use advanced filter functions and create new user-defined fields. Create reports for different roles and have them sent automatically by e-mail at freely definable intervals. Optimize your data analysis and reporting for precise and efficient fleet management.

Data analysis

Customized reports meet specific requirements and increase the efficiency and profitability of the fleet. Automated reports save time and facilitate the regular monitoring of fleet performance.

Project numbers
Users, vehicles and bookings can be assigned project numbers
Cost centers
Users, vehicles and bookings can be assigned to cost centers
Holding structure
Clean mapping of complex corporate structures with parent companies and subsidiaries
Multi-client capability
Clients and sub-clients for fleet professionals


Thanks to automated reports, our powerful modules provide you with comprehensive analyses that enable you to make well-founded decisions for your fleet. The future of data-based, efficient solutions starts here