Outdated structures as an obstacle

The challenges that fleet managers have had to face in recent years have shown how sensitively inadequately digitalized fleets react to change. The lack of transparent data and the inability to use it properly have forced many companies into unnecessarily complex and costly processes. Digitalization should have long been standard in fleet management. But the reality is often different: Excel spreadsheets, disconnected data streams and ineffective reports are still part of everyday life. The backlog in the area of digitalization is serious. A Geotab 2021 survey of German fleet managers showed that traditional methods such as Excel (44%) and even paper (19%) still dominate in many companies. It is alarming that more than two thirds of the companies surveyed do not use a digital solution for their fleet management.

Missed opportunities due to a lack of digitalization

This lack of digitalization not only leads to inefficient processes, but also to missed opportunities. Companies that have not yet digitized their fleet management run the risk of falling behind the competition. It's not just about optimizing costs and processes, but also about the potential to use important data for strategic decisions. A digital fleet management solution not only provides a better overview of the vehicle fleet, but also more comprehensive control over key figures such as fuel consumption, maintenance intervals and vehicle usage. This data provides valuable insights that are lost in non-digitized processes.

The culture of change

Despite the many advantages of digitalized fleet management, corporate culture often remains the biggest hurdle. Many companies are reluctant to initiate change and remain stuck in old structures. Yet digitalization not only offers efficiency gains, but also the opportunity to position oneself sustainably and be prepared for future challenges. The key to success lies in convincing decision-makers and specialist departments of the benefits. Only when there is awareness of the opportunities of digital fleet management can the change be tackled effectively. This is where AZOWO comes in with process-related consulting to support companies on this journey.

In close cooperation with car manufacturers, service providers, partners and customers, we work together on our AZOWO Mobility Cloud to ensure a smart, flexible and sustainable platform with transparent and protected data.

Data integration as a success factor

One of the greatest strengths of the AZOWO Mobility Cloud is its direct connection to OEMs and fleet service providers, which enables the seamless integration of live data. This data provides companies with valuable insights into vehicle status, fuel consumption and the sustainability of their own fleet. Thanks to the comprehensive data integration, companies can not only optimize their management processes, but also maintain an overview of important key figures. Centralized management via a single dashboard creates transparency and simplifies day-to-day work considerably. Our native apps also ensure that all data is available anytime, anywhere.

Efficiency through digital transformation

The introduction of the AZOWO Mobility Cloud not only means a modernization of fleet management for companies, but also a drastic reduction in administrative effort and a significant increase in efficiency. Processes that were previously laboriously carried out manually are now automated, making it easier to manage the entire fleet. From due diligence to reporting - the digital transformation creates a centralized system that bundles all relevant data and processes in a user-friendly dashboard. This not only enables companies to react faster, but also to make strategic decisions based on sound data.

Sustainability as a future-oriented goal

At a time when sustainability has become a core corporate value, the electrification of fleets is playing an increasingly important role. At the "Flotte! Der Branchentreff", many companies showed great interest in sustainable mobility solutions. With its platform, AZOWO not only offers the opportunity to digitize existing processes, but also supports companies on their way to electrifying their fleets. The move towards more sustainable, efficient vehicles not only reduces a company's carbon footprint, but also offers long-term economic benefits.

Together towards the future

This year's "Fleet! Der Branchentreff" has once again shown how great the interest in modern and future-oriented solutions for fleet management is. With over 330 exhibitors and around 2,500 fleet decision-makers, the trade fair was a complete success. At its stand, AZOWO once again proved that we not only play a leading role in the digitalization of fleets, but also actively support companies in making the transition towards sustainability and process optimization. The future of mobility lies in digitalization and electrification - and we are ready to accompany companies on this path and make progress together.